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The Triumph Roadster Club Limited



For owners and those interested in the Triumph Roadster 1800 and 2000 cars manufactured by the Standard-Triumph Car Company Ltd, Coventry U.K. between the years 1946 and 1949.
2501 cars of the 18TR model, and 2000 of the 20TR model were produced.

Founded in 1960 the Club is established in the United Kingdom but has an international membership catering for all owners and enthusiasts.
The club currently has 481 members in 26 countries, who between them own 175 examples of the 18TR model, and 253 of the 20TR model. There are currently 2 cars for sale in the Members Section. All are advertised here.

Concours Winner 2024

The club is run by an annually elected management committee of volunteers. There are correspondents throughout the UK, Europe, North America and in Australia and New Zealand. The club is an excellent point of reference for sourcing spares and providing technical information regarding the restoration and operation of Roadsters. On these pages you can find details of membership, a list of relevant events, and browse our photograph album. Club membership gives you access to the Members Section, where you will find current and past copies of the club magazine with technical index, officials directory, a forum to discuss roadster matters, library, and the on-line store containing manuals, regalia, and spares.

Join us


Please renew your annual subscription in the Members Section before 31st January 2025.
After 28th February you will not receive the club magazine or be able to access the Members Section of this website.

Membership is open to owners of and anyone interested in the Triumph Roadster manufactured between 1946 and 1949.
Our annual membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December.
New / rejoining membership applications made on or after Tuesday 1st October 2024 will run to the end of 2025.
There are no pro-rata subscriptions for less than 12 months membership.

Your annual subscription includes:

  • Six club magazines are published per year, providing invaluable information about events, parts, technical advice plus suppliers and members advertisements.
    Printed versions are posted to members, while those members, who have opted for the web version download the current magazine from the Members Section.
    Please note: Magazines published prior to joining are only available by download from the website.

  • Access to the Members Section of the website containing:
    • The TRCL Store for purchasing manuals, regalia, and spares.
    • Members cars for sale.
    • A members forum for seeking help and advice, buying and selling spare parts and vehicles, and discussing roadster matters.
    • Back copies of newsletters and reviews, with a technical index of the last 65 years of club magazines.
    • A library of assembly and component drawings, chassis pictures, and various manuals and guides.
    • Lists of club contacts, and U.K. and overseas centres.
    • Lists of specialist suppliers, fastener specifications, and alternative parts.

  • Access to a network of dedicated amateur Roadster enthusiasts able to provide help and moral support if required!

  • All prices are quoted and must be paid in Sterling Pounds, and include postage & packing where applicable.
 Membership Type    U.K.     Europe   Australasia   United States   Rest of World 
 Annual Membership (Web Magazine)  £25.00 £25.00 £25.00 £25.00 £25.00
 Annual Membership (Printed Magazine)  £34.00 £47.00 £55.00 £55.00 £55.00

If you require help with your application please  the Membership Secretary (Acting).


By applying for membership, you agree to be bound by The Triumph Roadster Club Limited:
  • Articles of Association
  • Bylaws
  • The £1 limited liability by Guarantee.
    Membership is NOT transferable.

  • In compliance with the U.K. Data Protection Act 1998 and subsequent revisions,
    please note that TRCL membership records are held on our secure server.
  • The club cannot offer membership, if you do not wish for your details to be held on computer.


The procedure consists of:
  • A membership application form, where you can choose either:
    • Web magazine membership.
    • Printed magazine membership.
  • On completion you will be passed to the ordering process,
    where you can confirm your choice of membership type by clicking on the ‘Pay’ button.
  • You then will be transferred to PayPal's payment process,
    where you can pay by either of two options:
    • Check Out’ (Pay without a PayPal account) to use your credit/debit card.
    • PayPal Check Out’ to use your PayPal account if you have one.
    • Please check the amount to be debited before proceeding.
  • You will receive an acknowledgement by email, followed by a Welcome Pack within 48 hours of the payment being processed.
    Please check your email account including the junk/spam folder for these messages.
Please note that you cannot pay directly from your own PayPal account; you must use this website facility,
or your payment may not reach us, and you will be responsible for recovering your funds.



  • Please provide details of yourself and your vehicle by downloading this Membership Application Form, which contains fields for completion by most pdf programs.
  • Post the completed and signed form with your payment to the current Membership Secretary (Acting) - details on the form.
  • Payment in Sterling (GBP) only can be by either:
    • Credit/debit card (not American Express).
    • A cheque drawn on a U.K. bank made out to "The Triumph Roadster Club Limited".
    • If you wish to pay by PayPal, you must use the on-line application procedure.

Subscriptions include postage & packing where applicable.



Date Time Location Event Details Centre Email Website Flyer
Sunday 20th October 2024 2:00 PM Bristol Golf Club TRCL AGM Annual General Meeting. The Bristol Golf Club, St Swithins Park, Blackhorse Hill Almondsbury BS10 7TP TRCL Click Click Click


The photograph album contains pictures of:
  • Annual Rally and Concours.
  • Centre activities.
  • A chassis up restoration.

Photograph Album

Members Section


These are available to current members only:
  • New and used spares, manuals, and regalia for sale.
  • Members cars for sale.
  • A members forum, where you can discuss any club and roadster topics.
    There are sections for members to place For Sale and Wanted advertisements.
  • An archive and technical index of club newsletters and reviews.
    Copies of the club magazine extending back to the very first magazine in 1960.
  • A library of assembly and component drawings, chassis pictures, and various manuals and guides.
  • Original production information with a picture archive.
  • A directory of members, who have agreed to have their contact details published.
  • Lists of club contacts, and U.K. and overseas centres.
  • Lists of specialist suppliers, fastener specifications, and alternative parts.


Access Codes

The access codes to the TRCL Members Section are only available to current members,
and must NOT be divulged to non-members. They are valid from 1st March for 12 months.
The codes can be found:
  • In an email sent to current members on 1st March.
  • On page three of the latest March magazine.
  • In the email sent to web magazine subscribers on the first day of each publication month.
  • In the welcome letter sent to new members.
  • In the renewal invitation emails and letters, and acknowledgment emails sent to current members.
  • If you have saved last year's access codes on your device, you will need to replace them on 1st March.
Please check your ‘Spam/Junk’ folder for emails from TRCL, and make us an approved sender if necessary.
If you still require assistance please  the Web Master.


  • It has been reported that some internet browsers do not display the pop-up window for entering the Members Section access codes.
    This is not a fault with the TRCL website. If it is a problem for you:
    • Check the screen for a message and button asking if you wish to ‘Allow’ the pop-up window.
    • Minimise the browser window to check if the pop-up window is being displayed in the background behind it.
      This was a known fault with Microsoft's latest browser.
    • Ensure that your browser has been updated to the latest version.
    • If your browser is automatically updated, check the browser settings for blocking pop-up windows.
      These will be found in the browser menu, under headings such as Parameters, Options, or Settings.
    • For Windows 10 browsers, guidance can be found by entering ‘windows 10 blocking pop-up windows’ into a search engine.
    • You may need to add as an exception in the blocking settings.
    • There is evidence that automatic updates are defaulting to blocking pop-up windows.
      Therefore you may need to re-set the parameters after each update.

  • Some members have experienced a repeated 401 message, which implies that the user name and password are incorrect. This would seem to be another error with Microsoft software.
    For this and in general for most other browser errors:
    • Clear cookies, history, and cache.
    • Ensure the latest browser version is installed.
    • Check all browser settings, and amend if necessary.
The Webmaster cannot solve these problems for you. Please seek local help if necessary.

Contact us

Please contact the appropriate committee member with your query.
TRCL is run by volunteers, who will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.
  • .
  • .



Within the United Kingdom there are a number of regional Centres providing contacts between members, and organising local events (see Contacts page in the Members Section).
In addition TRCL has loose associations with the Pre-1940 Triumph Motor Club, the Triumph Razoredge Owners Club and the Mayflower Club, and from time to time combined events are held with one or more of these.

 Pre-1940 Triumph Motor Club
 Triumph Razoredge Owners Club
 Triumph Mayflower Club

TRCL is a member club of:

The Standard Triumph Forum
Federation of British Historical Vehicle Clubs


The Triumph Roadster Club Limited (TRCL) is incorporated in the U.K. and governed by the laws of the U.K., and it has no operations overseas. However membership can be drawn from a world-wide base, albeit with certain restricted services in some parts of the world due to insurance constraints. Members living overseas can maintain contact with the Club either directly or, in certain areas, through our overseas Correspondents as listed on the Contacts page in the Members Section.

Where there are sufficient members some Correspondents have their own private area groups such as Triumph Roadster Register Benelux. In North America the Club's Correspondent has established a group, Triumph Roadster Club of North America to facilitate communication between Roadster owners there. This has also used the term Affiliate as providing affiliation between its members, and neither it nor other overseas groups are affiliated to the Triumph Roadster Club Limited.


The details on the Club's web site are regularly updated and only these should be referred to when making contact or enquiries.

There are a number of entries on the Internet referring to the Triumph Roadster Club/TRCL and to Regions and other groups relating to them, and in some cases they offer contact details.
These entries often appear on the sites of magazines and other clubs, groups, or individuals, and are frequently either inaccurate or out of date and they are not part of the Triumph Roadster Club.

Disclaimers & Legal

Users of this website should be aware of the following:

  • TRCL is an independent organisation, which has no formal financial or administrative links to any other individuals, groups, or companies involved in the preservation of the 1946-1949 Triumph Roadster marque. This includes websites, Facebook pages, and Google groups.
  • TRCL cannot be responsible for the content of external websites, which appear as links on this website.
  • TRCL uses an external facility to provide language translation of some website pages for the benefit of overseas users.
    We can only be responsible for the accuracy of the original English version of this website.
  • TRCL accepts advertisements from members and commercial concerns for publication in the club magazine in good faith.
    TRCL has no remit to act or mediate on behalf of the parties to any dispute.
  • TRCL is legally obliged to comply with the provisions of the U.K. Data Protection Act 1998 and subsequent revisions.
    Personal details will not be passed to 3rd parties, with the following exceptions:
    • The company, which prints and distributes the club magazine.
    • Companies, e.g. postal organisations, couriers, which deliver orders placed by members.
  • The content of this website, the club magazine, and club notices is subject to enforceable copyright,
    and must not be copied or downloaded without express permission other than for solely personal use.
  • There are companies, who advertise Roadster spares and restoration services in magazines and on websites.
    The standard advice applies - buyer beware!
  • In the event of disputes, matters must be referred to the appropriate regulatory and commercial organisations,
    e.g. Trading Standards: U.K.Europe, credit card provider, PayPal.
The Triumph Roadster Club Limited is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England under No 06673901.
Registered Office The Old Brew House NN12 8JB.

TRCL News Feed
Essential SSL
All content / formats © Copyright 1960-2024
The Triumph Roadster Club Limited
With acknowledgements to contributors

Visitors: 644925